By Ronald Mortensen / Feb 10, 2017 / Columnist at Utah Standard News

Utah State Legislators and Salt Lake City Police Chief Vow to Protect Illegal Alien Identity Thieves

During a joint press conference, four Utah state legislators stood side-by-side with the ACLU, the Salt Lake City Mayor and Salt Lake City Police Chief to tell illegal aliens who are concerned about President Trump’s enforcement of immigration laws “to go on in their daily lives and do the things they’ve always done because we’re here to protect.”

And just what are the things that illegal aliens “have always done” and need protection from?”  Well, according to the ACLU, 75% of illegal aliens fraudulently obtain and illegally use Social Security numbers to get jobs and to pay payroll taxes.  This means that illegal aliens are committing multiple felonies including Social Security fraud, forgery, perjury on I-9 forms and, worst of all, identity theft impacting up to 80,000 innocent Utah children in 2016.

Therefore, the ACLU, state legislators, the Salt Lake City Mayor and the Salt lake City Police Chief are all effectively telling illegal aliens to “go on” with their daily criminal activities and that they will protect them from arrest, prosecution and deportation.

At the same time these public servants are telling Utah families who suffer very real harm—identities stolen, arrest records attached to their names, credit destroyed, medical records corrupted with life threatening consequences, etc.—that they will just have to suck it up because they are the unfortunate collateral damage of privileged illegal aliens who are just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families by committing felonies.

Those throwing American citizens under the bus for the benefit of illegal aliens include Democrat legislators Sen. Luz Escamilla, D-Salt Lake City, Reps. Angela Romero, D-Salt Lake City; Rebecca Chavez-Houck, D-Salt Lake City; and Mark Wheatley, D-Murray; Salt Lake Mayor Jackie Biskupski and Salt Lake Police Chief Mike Brown.

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