Top 5 Best .380 Pocket Pistols for Concealed Carry

More Americans are concealed carrying today for personal protection more than ever before. The result of this in recent years has been an explosion of sales for pistols designed specifically for concealed carry.

For this reason, in the past five or so years, the market for .380 pocket pistols (also known as pocket rockets) has skyrocketed. Now, there are more pocket pistols available than ever before.

But does this mean that every pocket pistol is worth your consideration to serve as your concealed carry piece? Not at all. Some pocket pistols have proven themselves to be of the utmost quality, while others have demonstrated repeatedly that they are unreliable or simply poorly made.

To help you along, we’ve compiled a list of five of the best .380 pocket pistols that are currently available for concealed carry. No pistol is 100% perfect by any means (what gun is?), but they have shown through their track records to be the most reliable and practical offerings for a pocket .380 today.

Presented in alphabetical order, here they are:


If you ever wanted a 1911 small enough to fit in your pocket, the Colt Mustang is definitely the gun for you.  The Mustang was actually one of the most successful pocket rockets ever produced, and in the 1980s and 90s, it was especially popular as the Pocketlite model.

But the one big downside to the Pocketlite was its all-steel frame, which made it heavy (at least for a pocket pistol).  In 1987, Colt remedied this by re-crafting the Mustang Pocketlite into the Mustang XSP, which is a more modern and polymer framed version.

The Mustang XSP features a total weight of 11.8 ounces, with a length of 5.5 inches.  It holds 6 rounds in the magazine, though an extended 7 round magazine is also available.

Like the 1911, the Mustang XSP is a single action handgun, meaning the gun can only be fired with the hammer cocked back. This means that there are two different ways to carry the Mustang: either with the hammer cocked back and the safety on (cocked and locked), or with the hammer down. Although the latter method may feel safer, it will be significantly slower to draw and fire since you’ll need to manually pull back the hammer before firing.

Colt still produces the Pocketlite variant today, so you do have options.  But the XSP represents the lighter and more modern option.


While the G42 is easily the biggest pistol on this list, it’s still small and light enough to fit into a pocket.  As with the rest of the Glock line-up, the G42 is striker fired.  It has no manual safeties, other than the blade on the trigger that must be depressed to the trigger to be pulled back.  In other words, takes the reliability and the simplicity….. read more at