It used to be that I, along with most sports fans, looked forward to watching the Super Bowl, not just because we wanted to see which team would be crowned the champion but also to view the increasingly popular ads. These were ads that companies spent big money on producing and buying time on what is usually the most-watched television program of the year.

This year wasn’t any different except for the fact that many of the ads had a political undertone that was designed to take a swipe at President Trump and his policies.

One of the more political ads came from Coca Cola, which aired “It’s beautiful,” a Super Bowl commercial from 2014 that was meant to highlight America’s diversity by having people of various ethnicities singing “America the Beautiful” in their native tongues. Maybe I live in a hole in the ground, but when was the last time anyone saw people from different nationalities sing this song in their native language?

Another immigration ad was aired by the building supply company, 84 Lumber Co., which claimed that Fox rejected their original ad featuring a Spanish-speaking mother and her daughter apparently on a journey to the U.S. border where they encounter a wall, and then joyously cross the border when they push through a door in the wall. The ad that aired showed just the first minute-and-a-half of the nearly six-minute ad, which is available for viewing on YouTube.

Airbnb took a swipe at President Trump’s executive order on immigration with an ad that featured faces of people with different ethnic backgrounds being pieced together, accompanied by text that read, “We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept.”

Anheuser Busch’s immigration ad was a fictionalized version of how one of its founders, Adolphus Busch, emigrated from Germany. The company said it was pure coincidence that it would appear just after the President’s executive order since it was produced months ago.

Finally, there was the Audi commercial featuring a soapbox derby, where the father of a girl in the race wondered out loud about how he will talk to his daughter about gender pay equity—a big issues for liberals.

Thanks liberals, for turning something I looked forward to watching—Super Bowl commercials—to something I now largely skip.

In case you missed the blatantly pro-illegal immigration ad from 84 Lumber here it is:

This article is republished with permission from our friends at Accuracy in Media.