By Pamela Geller – on



But remember, above all, respect it! And never criticize Islam, racist-islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigots.

Related: ISIS carries out a major terror attack once every 84 hours, experts reveal

GENERATION TERROR: Shock map reveals how much of the world is now TOO DANGEROUS to visit

A QUARTER of the globe is now too dangerous to visit due to the growing threat of Islamist terror and gang warfare, a shocking new map has revealed.
By Nick Gutteridge, The Express, Nov 16, 2016

Huge swathes of the world, from Mexico in the west to Papua New Guinea in the east, are out of bounds for tourists in an increasingly uncertain and perilous age.

The shocking assessment by travel experts recommends against travelling to most of Africa and the Middle East, and reveals how what were once tourist hotspots have been gripped by terror.

In contrast Europe, north America and Australia are deemed to be the safest places in the world, with Scandinavia being particularly risk free.

The findings come as the ever growing threat of Islamist terror continues to fundamentally change the travel and holiday habits of populations in the western world.

Once popular destinations like Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt are now considered too dangerous by many families following a spate of bloody attacks carried out by Islamic State (ISIS) extremists.But other tourist spots, like Mexico and India, are also becoming increasingly dangerous due to organised crime and the risk of wealthy westerners being kidnapped and held to ransom.Unsurprisingly it is war-torn Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen, which are all in the grip of bloody conflicts, which score worse in terms of traveller safety.In contrast the Scandinavian states such as Norway, Sweden and Iceland are considered the least dangerous, with the threat level deemed “insignificant”.


The threat of a terror attack is the biggest worry facing tourists in 2016

Events of 2016 have resulted in a sense of increasing challenges in travel to places once thought secure

Security specialist Rob Walker

Security specialist Rob Walker said: “Events of 2016 have resulted in a sense of increasing challenges in travel to places once thought secure.“While risks are changing, organisations must ensure their actions to mitigate those changes are proportionate, and based on reality and not perception.“Issues like healthcare provision and road safety, which account for over 70 percent of the assistance services we have provided in the past year, can often be obscured by more prominent, but less likely issues.”The shocking map, produced by the International SOS security consultancy, also includes the growing health risks facing tourists looking to travel across the globe…. read more here