Oct 27, 2016 – By Ronald Mortensen, Columnist at Utah Standard News

On October 26, I talked with dozens of people waiting to get into the Mike Pence Rally in Salt Lake City. I identified myself as a columnist for the Utah Standard News and in order to get the conversation started, I generally asked a combination of these questions: 1. Why are you here? 2. Why do you support Trump? 3. Are you offended by Trump’s statements about women?

The following are the comments of those I talked with in their own words.


“Who is a veteran here? Mr. Trump does not want veterans waiting in line. He wants you in the building at the front of the auditorium.” (The staffer then escorted veterans and their families to the head of the line and into the Rally).


“We are here because we are not the offended.”

“We were offended by Trump’s comments about women but Trump was not a politician before now. Hillary is a corruption enabler. If she had any self respect, she would have left Bill long ago.”

“Offended? Heck, No! We’re 100 times more offended by Hillary’s lies.”

“Trump is a billionaire and women target him for that.”

“It’s nice to have someone speak the truth.”

“I hear worse at my house from my brothers, son and grandson.”

“I don’t like the ‘Mormon mouth wash voters.’ They are more concerned with washing Trump’s mouth out than the issues.”

“This country has lost its decency.”

“I want my vote to count. If McMullin wants to run, do it through the primary process.”

“Come on…, we’re women [and can handle it]. Trump’s comments were eleven years ago. How do you know he hasn’t changed. What counts is that he is willing to run and risk his fortune for the country.”

“We do not want Hillary. Trump will clean things up. Hillary needs to be in prison. How many Democrat Presidents have been womanizers? Trump has apologized and changed.”

“We’re looking for change. We’re tired of corruption in government. McMullin can’t change it, he is just against Trump. We believe in positive change and it will come because the silent majority is not going to be quiet.”

“The corrupt old boy system has to go.”

“Our group here today is highly educated—doctors, engineers, small business owners. We like Trump’s policies and we are tired of corruption. We risk losing our freedom. Look at King Cyrus in the Bible since Trump may have been raised up for this.”

“We are here to stop Hillary and to stop the government from being so corrupt. Trump is not a politician and he will take us in a different direction. He is a straight shooter who hits back when someone hits him.”

“The most important is health care. Hillary should be in prison.”

“We support Trump because his is honest, truthful and he loves America. He supports veterans and borders. He will fix the debt crisis and supports religious freedom. He is pro-life, pro-jobs and understands how things work. He has created and built. Most men are “lewd and crude” and why does the First Lady say Beyonce is a role model for her girls?”

“We’re here with the kids as a home school project. It’s good to be informed.”


“This is the first election that I have not voted third party. I’m voting for our way of life, our freedom.”

“My biggest concern is the selection of judges which can impact us for thirty years.” McMullin is a spoiler. I’ve lost all respect for Romney. Republicans eat their own. The only perfect person died on the cross.”

“Trump is not running for Pope. He is a crusty old ship’s captain who can right the ship of state.” (Veteran)

“The Ross Perot effect concerns us.”

“Trump has called both the Democrat and Republican establishments out.”

“If I wanted to take Utah away from the Republicans, I’d bring in someone (McMullin) who could get the Mormon vote; who would distract and decoy.

“I support national sovereignty, trade reform and non-intervention. Trump is the only one who has spoken out against our interventionist foreign policy.” (Retired military)

“We are here to stop Hillary and to stop the government from being so corrupt. Trump is not a politician and he will take us in a different direction. He is a straight shooter who hits back when someone hits him.”

“Trump is not a choice; he is a must in order to get the country back to where it belongs. We love Trump.”

“Trump is a movement, get on the train or get run over. We need someone with strength and who isn’t P.C.; someone who is not a pretender, not a fake.”


“If the devil ran against Hillary, I’d still vote against her. We’re for anyone who will change the establishment, for someone who is authentic.

“A lot of people love the Deseret News which is great for local news but the Church can’t afford to put a target on the 75K missionaries which skews its reporting on national and international news.”


“We’re from American Samoa and we’re for him because we think he can change things. Right now illegal aliens are treated better than those of us who live in an American territory.”

“We’re here because of our son. We’re scared for his future.”

“We’re here to disclaim the media’s polls – if Pence draws a crowd here while Kaine draws 30 people to a rally in Florida that sends a message. Trump is self-funding, anti-establishment and not bought and paid for. I work at a major mining operation and hear ten times worse than what Trump says from good guys with families. Something weird happens when men get together. I’m not saying that its o.k. but that how it is.”


“We’re here to support Americanism, not globalism. We want to unleash American energy and jobs on the world. We oppose Obamacare.” (Young Men)

“We support Trump because we agree with his America first, trade and immigration positions. We need a wall.” (Young Women)

“We’ve never been to a rally. Government has been too liberal too long. Trump is going to get things done—lower taxes, take borders seriously, etc. (Young Men)

“We see the big agenda and the media’s agenda. The media’s attack on Trump was to be expected. Trump is our candidate because of his position on the border and because of the need to end corruption in government. He will prosecute those who are corrupt.” (Young Women)


“I want a business guy running. The country can’t do worse than what we already have.”

“We’re small business owners and understand what Trump says. We are very concerned about NAFTA, the high cost of health insurance, massive debt and an ineffective political system. We are concerned for our grandkids future which is not looking good. We are Christians and know who is in charge.”


“I’m a minority and I’ve never been to a rally. I support Trump because he is very honest as a candidate.”

“We’re tired of Hillary, the pay-to-play and killing the military. We want a good future for our children. We brought the kids today. People will be voting for Hillary if they vote for McMullin.”