Former U.S. Speaker of the House, Republican Dennis Hastert, was sentenced this week to 15 months in prison for trying to cover up his illegal structuring of bank transactions to hide his dark secret of child molestation.

Authorities claim that Hastert abused three other boys while teaching at Yorkville High School, and not just the one accuser named “Individual A.”

Judge Thomas M. Durkin also ordered Hastert to undergo sex offender treatment, spend two years on supervised release after his time behind bars and pay a $250,000 fine to crime victims’ fund.

In explaining his punishment, the judge called Hastert a “serial child molester.”

Hastert becomes one of the highest ranking politicians in American history sentenced to prison. He pleaded guilty last fall to violating banking law as he sought to pay someone referred to in court papers only as “Individual A” $3.5 million to keep Hastert’s sex abuse secret.

Earlier in the hearing, a former high school athlete who said he was molested by Hastert told the courtroom that he was “devastated” by the abuse.-Blaze

The man, now in his 50s, said Hastert abused him while they were alone in a locker room. He struggled to hold back tears as he described the incident in detail. In the years since, he said, he has sought professional help and has had trouble sleeping. He said the memory still causes him suffering.

He said he trusted and looked up to Hastert.

Hastert told the court that he was “deeply ashamed to be standing before you” and admitted that he “mistreated” some of the athletes that trained under his supervision.

“I am sorry to those I hurt and misled… “What I did was wrong and I regret it.”-Dennis Hastert

Hastert pled out to a deal that offered probation to a maximum of six months in jail.

more at  Source: Pedophile Dennis Hastert Gets 15-Month Prison Term, Sorry For Child Molestating