Now Feminist Hosebeasts Want To Stop Daddy-Daughter Dates

If feminists weren’t such hateful, arrogant, beastly hags, I would actually feel sorry for them.

Some feminist chick named Elizabeth Broadbent posted a piece entitled “Honestly, Daddy-Daughter Dates Are Anything But Innocent.” You can probably guess where this sack of horse manure is going to go.

Apparently, Elizabeth wants us to think that because there are dads who – GASP – want to be involved in their daughters’ lives and take an interest in their well-being, that it’s somehow some insidious tool of the EEEEEEEEVIL patriarchy to keep women and girls lower on the societal totem pole than men –

While I don’t fault the woman who posted this — I am pretty uncomfortable with the overall idea of “daddy-daughter dates.” On LifeWay’s “3 Benefits of Father-Daughter Date Nights,” a father asks, on a “date” with his seventh-grade daughter, “How have you felt during our date tonight? I don’t want you to expect anything less from a boy you’re dating.” The site notes that he “opened doors, pulled out chairs, asked her questions and offered kind words about her external and internal beauty.”
These aren’t sweet. They aren’t cute. They’re creepy, and they seek to enforce patriarchal notions of femininity.

The dads held doors and pulled out chairs for their daughters??? And they taught them that’s an honorable thing for a man to do for a woman??? THE HORROR!!!!

Elizabeth’s tirade just gets worse and worse from there –

These little girls, who are taken out on dates by their fathers, are taught that men should do everything for them. Men open the door. Men pull out the chair. Men buy everything. Men even pick out their dresses and purses, in Fladager’s daughter’s case. It’s incumbent on the man to “ask questions” and draw her out. And it’s his job to validate her inner and outer beauty.

Seeing as how it’s often women tearing other women down over appearance and what they do with their lives (*cough* feminism *cough, cough*), I think we could do with MORE men helping build up women’s confidence in themselves (and I’ll deal with the catty, b*tchy women another day).

Oh, and this one truly takes the cake. Of course it starts with the trite “This Is [Current Year]” cliche. Like that has ANYTHING to do with it –

This is 2017. And newsflash, women don’t need men to do things for them. We don’t need some big, bad patriarchal figure to hold the door or compliment our inner beauty. We deserve men who are equal partners, who share life’s journey with us, and who treat us as equals. Daddy-daughter dates include an implicit power dynamic, and it’s not in favor of the girl. They aren’t empowering. They’re teaching girls to accept a domineering masculine figure in their lives. You don’t see Mother-Son Dates, and that’s because boys don’t need socialized into a female dominated society.

You can’t be equal partners with someone who buys you dinner or holds open the door for you? News to me…… read more here