JosephStalinthe3rd /  2/18/2017, 1:25 am The People’s Cube

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There’s so much talk of Love and Hate these days. It called for making an instructional video.

Written by Oleg Atbashian. Narrated, animated, and produced by James Lorenz.

Is it just me, or do you also wonder how liberals can possibly function, let alone win elections? This lump in their heads, they refer to it as a mind, is made of absurdities, inconsistencies and contradictions.

How is possible to hold so many mutually exclusive beliefs?

  • To espouse non-violence – and commit violent acts.
  • To cheer gays – and then speak glowingly of those nations who murder them.
  • To denounce corruption – and then vote for the corrupt.
  • To demand love – and be full of hate.

The fact is there’s a method to their insanity and sane people will keep losing to the insane unless they understand what that method is.
Let’s take love and hate. Scientists have discovered that both love and hate originate in the same nervous circuits in the brain. You can measure them physically. But they’re even more connected metaphysically. One is the flipside of the other, like 2 sides of the same coin.

There can’t be a coin with one side bigger than the other, so the amounts of love and hate are always equal. In fact, they’re not even two different emotions. They’re the same human emotion, positive on the front and negative on the back. The bigger the love, the bigger the hate. The smaller the hate, the smaller the love. A total absence of hate means a total absence of love. You might as well be a vegetable.

If you love something you hate anything that threatens the thing you love. If you love your child, you hate anything that endangers it. If you love your country, you hate those who mean to harm it. But if you hate your country, you love those who mean it harm.

Leftists will tell you they want a total victory for love and a total elimination of hate. They’ve made hate a crime. They think the human mind is a pliable, social construct that can be pinched and squeezed into conformity. They think they can improve human nature by criminalizing human thoughts.

Don’t be fooled by their broad and generic pleas for this so-called love. Those pleas focus strictly on removing hate for a socialist utopia. I have yet to hear a plea from progressives to stop hating and start loving enemies of socialism.

To the contrary, the so-called love crowd shows no restraint in hating anyone they see as a threat to their utopia. They gang up on their opponents to demonize and demoralize their supporters. They use terms invented solely for this purpose, like micro-aggression and hate speech.

What is the difference between love and hate? Which one is a plus, and which one a minus? Well that depends on where you stand. One person’s hate group is another’s love group. One person’s hate speech is another’s love speech.

This is not an exercise in moral relativism. One person’s hate crime cannot be another’s love crime. They’re mutually exclusive. To a conservative a crime is a crime, regardless of the motive. But if you’re a progressive, you make a distinction. A hate crime requires a harsher punishment. But if you believe hate crimes call for a harsher punishment then you must believe that there can be love crimes that call for a lighter punishment, or can be excused altogether.

Like Bill Ayers’ youthful terrorism in the 1960’s. The communist leader of weather underground organized several bombings that killed and maimed innocent people. Instead of going to prison, Bill became an eminent educator, writing books on how to teach social justice to our children. Why? Apparently it was only a love crime as opposed to standard murder. As a love crime it deserved forgiveness. That’s of course if you’re a progressive, like Barack Obama, who launched his political career in Bill Ayers’ house.

Che Guevara was a cold-blooded murderer. But if you ask a leftist, he killed out of great love for the people. Ok then, let’s file those murders under love crimes as well. Che t-shirts for everyone!

Many on the left excused the soviet regime murdering and jailing millions of people. “They did it for the common good” they’ll tell you. Ok then, that’s 74 years of continuous love crimes.

Let’s wave that red flag, put on our Che t-shirts and go protest those hate groups.

And that’s the method to their insanity.

Now you know.

Red Square

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Excellent work!

It was probably necessary to shorten the list of contradictions in the beginning so as not to overwhelm the video, but I still like my original full list:

How is possible to hold so many mutually exclusive beliefs?

  • To preach tolerance and be so intolerant?
  • To grieve for terror victims and justify terrorism?
  • To stand up for workers and destroy their jobs?
  • To march for peace and defend the militants?
  • To denounce corruption and vote for the corrupt?
  • To espouse non-violence and commit violent acts?
  • To speak of liberties and promote government dictate?
  • To bolster feminism and deride successful women?
  • To cheer gays and aid the gay-bashers in the Middle East?
  • To champion minorities as a group and hold them down as individuals?
  • To care about the children and mutilate their minds?
  • To denounce guns and hire armed bodyguards?
  • To support the troops and side with their murderers?
  • To demand love and be full of hate?

Papa Kalashnikook

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Yes! Yes! Outstanding psychoanalysis of some outstanding anal psychotics.
A few of my favorites.
– Guns don’t make us safe, surround themselves with armed security.

-Tolerate diversity and tolerance only if you think and act like they do.

-The unborn aren’t human, they’re really kangaroos.

-Denounce SUVs as gas guzzler polluters, travel in private jets.

-Islam is a religion of peace.

-Raising taxes creates jobs

-The election is not rigged, you’re just losing. Until THEY lose.Speaking of global warmi…I mean climate change.

Karl Marx Treatment Center

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There’s an old Chinese story called The Stone. I suppose you have to understand something about Taoism to understand the full meaning of the stone. The world of pleasure and pain is seen an illusion. To come to the full realization that the world and you are illusion and in actuality everything is One is to transcend the pain of the world and cease suffering.

But this turns your heart to stone.

In the cosmology of the Left the world of individuals is illusion too, and causes terrible pain and suffering. To transcend this world of illusion and see the world without the eyes of illusion, the false consciousness of individualism, is to attain the state of enlightenment.

And their hearts turn to stone. Because if individuality is illusion and everything is One collectively there is no such thing as pain and suffering, love and hate.

That always leads to the death of a person’s very humanity. In Eastern religion and Western Marxism alike and for the same reasons it always turns hearts to stone.

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Karl Marx Treatment Center

That always leads to the death of a person’s very humanity. In Eastern religion and Western Marxism alike and for the same reasons it always turns hearts to stone.
I thought about that, too. Where it says “you might as well be a vegetable” it might as well be a “zen buddhist.” The word “haters” is a very loaded term, and just as nonsensical. But it does the job of dehumanizing the opponents, turning them into non-humans. As if all they have in their heart is hate.

Most people would hate to admit it, but it goes both ways.

Here’s Che Guevara’s quote: “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall!” (The Wall is a reference to the wall where Che’s enemies stood before his firing squads).

All generalizations are lame. An old joke says, “people are generally divided into two categories: those who divide people into categories and those who don’t.” But we also tend to think in categories and there is no way escaping it. So here we go:

1. Some people love big ideas and hate those who stand in their way (revolutionaries).

2. Others love their personal comfort (mental or physical) and hate those who disrupt it (most Democrats, government workers, welfare recipients, establishment media, certain unions, career politicians, and other beneficiaries of the corrupt redistributive hierarchy that is now endangered by Trump’s presidency).

They are the reactionaries and, paradoxically enough, in a detached semantic way, they are also today’s “conservatives” trying to “conserve” the existing system that ensures their comforts.* They have more hate than anyone, while their great love of their personal comfort remains invisible under the radar.

3. There are also the drug addicts who have much in common with #2. You haven’t seen a hater until you try to take the drugs away from a drug addict.
* This is in contrast to the traditional “American conservatives” who are trying to conserve the revolutionary ideas of America’s founding.