Whether or not this bill actually passes, Iowa Rep. Bobby Kaufmann has already won.

According to this, Rep. Kaufmann introduced a bill meant to target colleges and universities who spend taxpayer dollars on election cry-ins and protests, as well as grief counseling for students who can’t handle the most mundane of things (whether it’s losing an election, or if someone looks at them funny). The bill would also introduce criminal charges for protesters blocking highways.

The bill is called the “Suck It Up, Buttercup” bill. Which is so, so, soooo awesome –

“I’ve seen four or five schools in other states that are establishing ‘cry zones’ where they’re staffed by state grief counselors and kids can come cry out their sensitivity to the election results,” said Rep. Bobby Kaufmann (R-Wilton) to the Des Moines Register. “I find this whole hysteria to be incredibly annoying. People have the right to be hysterical … on their own time.”


“I have no issue with protesting,” he said. “In fact, I would go to political war for anyone who wanted to protest or dissent and they couldn’t. But you can’t exercise your constitutional right by trampling on someone else’s. When they blocked off Interstate 80, they crossed a line.”

Of course, Iowa’s universities are already crying about it, saying that Kaufmann is trying to stifle free speech and deny these poor, pitiful students the right to disrupt everyone else’s lives with their temper tantrums –

Spokesmen for the state’s public universities say that they are not spending additional state resources to give students a chance to talk about the election and process what it means to them, even though they have held a number of events for that purpose.

“I think universities are the perfect place to have these types of conversations,” said Scott Ketelsen, director of university relations at the University of Northern Iowa. “It’s where people learn. It’s where they share ideas. I don’t consider it coddling.”