Coffeehouse closes after refusing ‘Coffee with a Cop’ event

OfflineWarning… this could be satire.

Antonio Salazarinski

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The White Rose Coffeehouse in Lynn, Massachusetts closed for good this week. Owner Kato Mele said the decision came “so I can stop being harassed.”

‘I’ve lost my business’: Mother is forced to CLOSE her coffee shop after her daughter refused to host a ‘Coffee with a Cop’ evening there calling police ‘racist bullies’

White Rose Stickers.jpg

“I will gladly host a “meet an ex-con” or “meet the impoverished minority community” event,” Sophie wrote in comments that have since been deleted. “I’m not going to promote any pro-police event because I’m adamantly anti-police.”
Facebook Comments.jpg

Mele’s daughter, the manager at the cafe, posted anti-cop remarks on Facebook. The backlash persisted even after Mele fired her daughter and offered a letter of apology. The coffee shop closed just a week after the controversy erupted.

More Facebook Comments.jpg

The remarks spread quickly across the Internet and sparked a massive backlash, with many who took issue with the anti-police sentiment leaving scathing online reviews for the coffeehouse. As the furor grew, her mother Mele fired her from the manager position at the coffee shop.

Kato Mele (left) and daughter Sophie (right)

Kato and Sophie.jpg

However, Sophie does favor Latinx




Papa Kalashnikook

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Well there’s nothing that the people hiring in HR look for more than “I got fired by my own Mother for being a total dickwad” on a stack of resumés. Best of luck, Sophie!




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Holy Preening Progressive!



Red Square

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They had me at the word “white” in “White Rose.” WHITE? Are you kidding me? Why not just go ahead and call it “White Supremacist Rose”?

Shouldn’t all businesses with the word “white” in their names close down these days? Starting with the White House. (White Castle gets an affirmative action exemption).

I think it’s the daughter’s guilt over the coffee shop’s name that caused it; she had to go out of her way to prove to everyone (and to herself) that she hated everything white. Had the rose been of any other color, this might not have happened.

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By this “inherently violent, oppressive, and unjust system that [the police] have agreed to uphold,” does she mean the system under which she ran a profitable coffee shop and which prevented criminals from stealing the merchandise? Or some other system? And did we miss the sequel to this story, in which the thuggish and oppressive police stormed the coffee shop and (while shouting “Police Akbar” or “Blue Lives Matter,” no doubt) shot everyone for saying bad things about them? It is all very confusing….



Red Square

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By this “inherently violent, oppressive, and unjust system that [the police] have agreed to uphold,” does she mean the system under which she ran a profitable coffee shop and which prevented criminals from stealing the merchandise? Or some other system? And did we miss the sequel to this story, in which the thuggish and oppressive police stormed the coffee shop and (while shouting “Police Akbar” or “Blue Lives Matter,” no doubt) shot everyone for saying bad things about them? It is all very confusing….

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Oh, how bourgeois.
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Red Salmon

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Most Equal RedDiaperette,

Yours was the most equally beautiful rant screed manifesto I’ve seen in a long long time.

Red Salmon




Chief Designer

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Red Square

Had the rose been of any other color, this might not have happened.

Ah, but would a rose by any other color guilt as sweet?

– SK




Red Square

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Chief Designer

Red Square

Had the rose been of any other color, this might not have happened.
Ah, but would a rose by any other color guilt as sweet?

Back in 2009 we created our Guilt Quiz, where we noted that with the election of Barack Obama by properly conditioned guilt-ridden voters, America had officially entered a new Guilted Age.

The Guilted Age is similar to the Gilded Age, only instead of being motivated by the acquisition of gold, the nation is motivated by the distribution of Guilt™.

A guilty electorate is a less demanding electorate: beggars are not choosers. Collective remorse makes the masses more malleable. Workers toil harder for less pay and donate surpluses to progressive causes within the hope that it would offset their culpability for having the wrong color, ethnicity, religion, zip code, profession, hobbies, vehicles, grocery bags, commuting and shopping patterns, taste in food, living standard higher than in Zimbabwe, and exhaling the CO2 while breathing.

The pursuit of happiness in the Guilted Age becomes to mean this: the stronger your guilt, the happier you are to give your stuff to us. We call it Sharing™.

Take the Quiz here:

Guilt Quiz & Guilt Level Chart: Tools for the Guilted Age

Here’s the chart:

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ending the slave trade one coffee house at time.



Genosse Dummkopf

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Chief Designer

Red Square

Had the rose been of any other color, this might not have happened.Ah, but would a rose by any other color guilt as sweet? …
sophistry & casuistry!
comrades, we must toe the party line!

a supremacist rose is a supremacist rose is a supremacist rose! _ja?

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Genosse Dummkopf

a supremacist rose is a supremacist rose is a supremacist rose! ja?

pigeons supremacists on the grass alas

shut down the grass




Genosse Dummkopf

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Genosse Dummkopf

a supremacist rose is a supremacist rose is a supremacist rose! ja?
pigeons supremacists on the grass alas …

By all Four Saints …

that’s a bit much, pre-postmodern comrade*tte Stein.

Yet zir/zey/zix korrektly foresaw the lack of .peace peace pigeons pigeons pigeons peace pigeons. in the above Four Saints enshrinement.

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Coffee shop designed by a genius, run by an idiot


And now a coffee shop designed by a genius, and run into the ground by an idiot.

Speaking of which:


This article is republished with permission from our friend Oleg Atbashian at The People’s Cube.