The Federalist’s Daniel Payne goes in-depth about the origins of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger. Considering how white supremacy is in the news cycle, if it is logical to tear it down publicly, as Payne said, why not remind the public about the origins of Planned Parenthood?

Here’s an excerpt of what Payne wrote in his piece about Planned Parenthood:

It is also in killing black people that Planned Parenthood really shines. Around 941 black babies are aborted in this country every day. Planned Parenthood, netting more than a third of the abortion market in the country, is responsible for 329 of those daily deaths. That averages out to a little more than 120,000 black abortions at Planned Parenthood per year, or around a third of the total abortions the organization performs—this from a demographic that makes up about 13 percent of the United States population. According to the Guttmacher Institute, black women get abortions at five times the rate of white women.

This article is republished with permission from our friends at Accuracy in Media.