From Nature World News

A doctor in China said he is planning the world’s first full-body transplant on a living human being and will begin operation as soon as his team is ready.

Dr. Ren Xiaoping of Harbin Medical University, who was nicknamed Dr. Frankenstein by Chinese media, told the New York Times that he is working on the details of his full-body transplant procedure, which involves removing the two heads of the bodies and connecting the recipient’s head to the donor’s body.

According to Ren, the two heads will be removed from the bodies and the blood vessels from the body of the deceased donor will be connected to the recipient’s head. A metal plate will be inserted to stabilize the new neck and the spinal cord nerve endings will be immersed in a gluelike substance that helps regrowth. And then the final step, the skin will be sewn up.

Medical experts around the world, including some in China, were flummoxed with the idea, saying that Ren is “pushing the ethical and practical limits of science” too far. Leading doctors and experts pointed out that connecting the nerves in the spinal cord is a complicated matter, and failure might lead to the death of the patient….read more here