
Being a parent is no easy feat, and is a job they have for life to boot. With an overwhelming amount of advice out there on what parents should and should not do, and the many contradictory research studies, when it comes down to it, we can all agree that it is all highly relative. Although raising a child to be confident and aspiring to be successful depends on various factors, like their personality, dreams, cultural upbringing, your own personality as a parent, and more, here are 6 common mistakes parents make, which essentially kill their children’s self-confidence and limit their chances of growing up to be successful adults, in their careers or personal lives.

1. Parents Who Do Not Allow Their Kids To Take Risks


Inevitably, this world is riddled with dangers and risks in every corner, which makes parents naturally overprotective and cautious, with every word and action being weighed by the fear of losing their child. Although protecting your kids is your job and it is just your way of showing love, that protective behavior may be keeping them from learning on their own and growing up. Some European studies have shown that kids who are not allowed to play outdoors, for example, grow up to become adults with phobias, likewise teens who did not get the chance to experience heartbreak with boyfriends or girlfriends, become emotionally stunted or immature adults, incapable of sustaining lasting relationships. So, please helicopter parents, and all parents alike, let your child take risks and find it in themselves to be brave and experience life, so they do not become adults with a low self-esteem or arrogant.

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