By Kate Ashford   November 28, 2016 at Prevention

You might not think your posterior has much to say. After all, it’s mostly just sitting there, minding its own business and maybe helping to hold up your jeans. But you might be surprised by what you can learn from your derriere, from disease risk to how much you should (or shouldn’t) be exercising (while you’re at it, check out these 4 things your yawns are trying to tell you). Here are just a few things you can glean from your rear end.

You’re less likely to develop certain chronic diseases.

Got a backside with lots of padding? It might be good news for your health. One study in the International Journal of Obesity found that a higher percentage of fat in your behind is correlated with a decrease in cardiovascular and metabolic risk. It’s also associated with healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels (also add these top 10 cholesterol-fighting foods to your diet). Translation: A round booty may mean you have a lower risk of developing heart disease, high cholesterol, or diabetes…. read more here