Why Education Is a Winning Issue For Conservatives
Why Education Is a Winning Issue for Conservatives – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Last week, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed the nation’s most expansive school choice program in U.S. history. The legislation calls for extending over $6,000 in educational scholarships to the parents or guardians of all Arizona students, regardless of income bracket. The funds can be directed toward educational purposes ranging from private school tuition to at-home tutoring.
Arizona has long been a leader in education. In 2011, it became the first state to create Education Savings Accounts (ESA). Its charter schools are particularly excellent. BASIS Charter Schools, founded in Tucson, Arizona, in 1998, boasts a network of 34 schools operating across the country. In this year’s Niche rankings for the best charter schools in America, six of the top 10 slots were awarded to BASIS Arizona schools.
Progressive instruction in U.S. public schools, including critical race theory and gender ideology, is exacerbating the frustration parents already felt as a result of the prolonged school shutdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. The radical instruction is eroding the relationship between public school proponents and parents.
That sentiment is borne out in a March poll that found that 72 percent of registered voters support school choice. Moreover, a June poll found that 82 percent of parents would be willing to vote for someone outside their political party if their education platform aligned with their views.
more at https://spectator.org/education-winning-issue-conservatives/
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