Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What Not To Wear

If there’s one thing that Democrats excel at it’s organizing; otherwise we wouldn’t have wound up with a community organizer as president. But even in defeat Democrats organize; that’s why they’ve been staging protests around the country ever since Trump won. Their latest lamentations can be seen and heard at Republican town hall meetings around the country. The Dem overlords have instructed  the “grassroots”  “folks” on how to attend and disrupt the meetings – two things that Democrats are particularly good at: participation and protest.


House Democrats participate in sit-in protesting the blocking of their gun control bill

So it’s no surprise to anyone that they continue to amass troops at Republican legislators’ town halls. Here’s a sample of the type of information and instructions the useful idiots are receiving from Central Control:

The audio, obtained by local radio station KPEL, reveals a coordinated effort to create the public impression that Cassidy’s support for Trump is unpopular with his constituents. The activists, who describe themselves as liberals in the audio, can be heard strategizing how to best turn a local town hall into a political victory.

The activists split up into an “inside team” — tasked with occupying “as many seats as we can” and an “outside team,” whose job was to “give [the media] the coverage they want” before joining the others inside. Activists were instructed to dress like conservatives and leave at home “any signifier that you’re a liberal” in order to blend in with constituents. – Daily Caller

I especially like the tip about how to dress. I’d like to help them even more so here are a few specifics on “What Not To Wear” if you don’t want to reveal yourself as the tool you are. I know the urge to value signal is strong, but Resist You Much!  So here a few dead giveaways that will let us know that you are better than us:

lady-gaga-meat-dress-04Meat dresses

    Screen Capture #306

“I’m With Her” t-shirts, especially if you’re a metrosexual


Any Bernie gear