Traveling is a fun experience in general, but the right activity can make it all the more exciting. rounded up a list of fun sights, activities, and attractions you can only see this year.
If you’ve been itching to visit any of the places on their list, this year might be your year. Here are a few highlights:
The Monarch Butterfly Migration: Each year Monarch butterflies migrate south, but 2016 is set to be a special one. More than three times as many butterflies are expected to pass through Michoacán and Mexico…
The Relocation of the Tsukiji Fish Market: The Tsukiji Fish Market has been a staple for Tokyo locals and tourists alike… Now after 81 years, the world’s biggest wholesale fish and seafood market is set to move to its new location by March.
The Pearl Harbor Anniversary: December 7, 2016 marks 75 years since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor… To mark this special anniversary, the National WWII Museum has a weeklong series of events scheduled from December 1 to December 8 in Hawaii.
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