Written by  Tuesday, 04 October 2016 at the New American

In a recent report, the United Nations criticized the United States for making “no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent” and laid out plans to access financial resources of the country to fix that purported failure.

Specifically, the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent has been tasked with implementing a UN mandate aimed at “establishing a working group or other mechanism of the United Nations to study the problems of racial discrimination faced by people of African descent.” The group’s progress is to be reported to the United Nations Human Rights Council and the General Assembly.

This particular mandate of the global government-in-waiting is divided up into six activities that should be accomplished by 2017, the last year of the Working Group’s authority to investigate the plight of people of African descent.

Bottom line: the United Nations created this group in 2002 to “gather all relevant information” from governments and non-governmental organizations that will help them in eliminating “racial discrimination against Africans and people of African descent in all parts of the world.”

 As one would expect, while the theoretical target of these investigations is “the world,” the true target is the United States, the globocrats’ biggest and most insuperable obstacle in its path toward total world domination.

Lately, though, the stumbling block that is the United States is going out of its way to transform itself into a stepping stone.

On September 26, the U.S. Ambassador Keith Harper announced the results of a “dialogue” conducted by the UN and some American groups that should give every friend of liberty pause as it reveals the depth and width of the UN’s plot to infiltrate American government and law enforcement from the smallest town to the largest metropolis.

In a statement, Harper reports that the UN’s Working Group “met with federal, state, and local government officials, judges and lawyers, members of Congress, police officers, academics, members of civil society, and hundreds of African Americans, in Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Maryland; Jackson, Mississippi; Chicago, Illinois; and New York City.”

Just because the UN met with these groups doesn’t mean that the United States approves of their plan and its principles. Except that the U.S. delegation released a statement announcing its take on the talks.

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