Super Bowl 50: The best (and worst) commercials
By Mike Murphy – Published: Feb 8, 2016 10:25 a.m. ET – MarketWatch
“Underwhelming” may have been the most appropriate word to sum up the commercials that ran during Super Bowl 50 on Sunday.
That may not be an entirely bad thing. While there was nothing approaching the memorable tear-jerkers of years past, such as a Clydesdale finding its long-lost owner, at least an insurance company didn’t kill a child, like last year. Oddly enough, the biggest bombshell turned out to be a surprise promo from CBS announcing the end of “The Good Wife.”
This year, a 30-second spot for the Super Bowl broadcast cost a record $5 million. But after seeing Puppymonkeybaby and a guy who couldn’t poop, one has to wonder if that money wouldn’t have been better spent buying four houses in San Francisco, or maybe 2.5 million Powerball tickets.
Here’s a look at this year’s most memorable Super Bowl commercials: The good, the bad and the absolutely horrifying… read more here
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