Two recent articles on have mentioned a method for removing chlorine from water that unfortunately won’t work for many people (‘Saving Water, Using Urine for Fertilizer, and Never Wasting Anything’ and ‘Ferment Your Feed for Healthier and Happier Chickens’). The method in question assumes that you can get the chlorine out of municipal water by allowing it to set out, open to the air, for 24 hours. That method did work when simple chlorine was used to disinfect water. However, in recent years, most water treatment plants have transitioned to using chloramines rather than chlorine to disinfect water.

The reason for the change is that chlorine will break down when exposed to air, sun, and motion; while chloramines will not break down in these same conditions. Chloramines are a combination of chlorine and ammonia. They are, of course, much more toxic to living things such as us, our animals, and our plants; and the larger environment. But they are not as effective as chlorine at disinfecting water. In fact, people with immune issues should boil chloramine-treated water for at least 10 minutes before using or consuming it.

more at Source: Removing Chlorine from Municipal Water – The Grow Network : The Grow Network