New York Times Says Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Are Not Latino
streiff (Diary) | | At RedState
This is not parody. This is not a polemical attack. This is what the leftist cretins who are destroying this nation actually think
With Senator Ted Cruz taking nearly 28 percent of the vote and Senator Marco Rubio getting 23 percent, each vastly surpassed the results for any other Latino candidate in any previous United States presidential contest.
How is that not being celebrated as historic or at least worth a headline for a day or two?
The answer is not that complicated: Neither Mr. Cruz nor Mr. Rubio meets conventional expectations of how Latino politicians are supposed to behave.
At one point I was certain that the progressive left was against stereotyping individuals based on their race or ethnicity, but I guess I was wrong. I’m guessing the author would have been happier if Cruz and Rubio had toured Iowa wearing guayabera shirts, carrying congas, and belting out “Babalú”.
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