‘Multicultural Toilets’ Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor
February 5, 2016
German bathroom manufacturers are developing “multicultural toilets” to help ensure Middle Eastern migrants need not adapt to European sanitation norms.
Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly “mystified” by Western loos. Some have resorted to doing their business on the floor or outdoors, others have used showers, and many migrants will have never seen toilet paper before.
The issue caused some serious confusion last year, with one small German village beingaccused of racism after issuing leaflets politely asking migrants to use to the correct facilities.
With 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa arriving in the country last year, solving the problem without facing such accusations of bigotry presents a sizeable business opportunity.
Enter the Global Fliegenschmidt toilet manufacturers based in Coswig, Saxony-Anhalt, who have announced their plans to develop a mobile “multicultural toilet” complete with a squatting platform and water hose for migrant friendly sanitation.
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