Tom Arnold said he was not surprised that his ex-wife, Roseanne Barr, lost her show over a racist tweet involving former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett because she had become a big Donald Trump fan.

“When I heard about her politics … when I read her social media in the very beginning and show how she was so into conspiracy stuff with Donald Trump and saw how far gone she was and that Pizzagate and Hillary was a pedophile and how Obama was not born here … and she was a birther … how crazy that was … I just knew this would not end well,” he told Anderson Cooper on CNN.

Arnold said “this monkey thing” was “not a one-time joke” and that “she and thousands of her alt-right fans … love calling black people monkeys.”

“They do it because we have a white-trash racist president,” Arnold said. “That’s a fact. Roseanne and I both have known him 30 years. That’s an absolute fact.”

The Arnold interview encapsulated a theme that ran through much of the coverage of Barr’s tweet and the show’s cancellation – that this was President Trump’s fault for creating an atmosphere where one of his strong supporters felt empowered to make such a remark on social media.

But is she that strong a supporter? Matt Walsh, a columnist for the Daily Wire, says no.

“Yes, Roseanne, amid her various inane ramblings, did mention last year that she likes Trump,” Walsh wrote. “But that did not and does not make her a friend of, or spokeswoman for, conservatism. Neither does it make her a champion of the middle class. She is a wealthy left-wing comedian who has spent her entire career spewing leftist propaganda and using her show to mainstream and normalize radical progressivism.”

Indeed, in response to a tweet from Michael Fishman, the actor who played her son on the show, that said her words were especially hurtful since “the show’s storylines were often about inclusiveness,” Barr responded: “I created the platform for that inclusivity and you know it. ME. You throw me under the bus. Nice!”

In the interview with Cooper, Arnold implied Barr inspired his own liberal views.

“She was a little older and she was a feminist,” Arnold said. “She was so much more evolved than I was. I mean, I was a meat packer and a bouncer and a young comic, and I learned so much from her about not just being liberal but about that kind of thinking.”

Walsh described her political history, and it did not sound at all like that of a Trump ally. She had run for president as a socialist. She once wished cancer on Christian conservatives who ate at Chick-Fil-A. She made a mockery of the National Anthem when she performed it before a baseball game in San Diego.

Beyond that, he wrote, “The first iteration of ‘Roseanne’ was arguably the most progressive sitcom in television history. It was ahead of its time when it promoted abortion, gay marriage and other liberal sacraments.

“The new version continued in that vein, featuring in the very first episode a cross-dressing boy. It did not represent ‘normal working-class families.’ It represented what Hollywood wanted a normal working-class family to be. It was an attack on regular families, not a defense of them. And the most insidious kind of attack, because it was just smart enough to pretend it was not attacking.”

Walsh closed by urging conservatives not to defend Barr just because she has said she likes Trump.

“Roseanne has been an advocate for the left all this time,” he wrote. “Let them have her.”

This article is republished with permission from our friends at Accuracy in Academia