By Ed 7/21/2016

What a load of bull. Countless news agencies are reporting that Laura Ingraham made a REAL nazi salute during her speech yesterday at the GOP convention in Cleveland. This is a hideous example of the corrupt manilipulation of our country by our media.

Journalism, or the so-called ‘Fourth Estate’, acts as a vital check and balance on the activities of government, the political system and the judiciary, and must be free from undue or corrupting influence or leveraged by bias or agenda. One’s judgment is no better than the information it is based upon. A person may still judge wrongly when presented the truth, but they had the opportunity to be right. If one is given no news or biased, sloppy, distorted or incomplete information, filled with deliberate propaganda and falsehoods, then their whole reasoning process is corrupted or completely destroyed. Essentially, our current media outlets and the news that they report avoids thought vastly more than it rarely enlightens thought. To paraphrase Mark Twain, “If you don’t follow the news, you are uninformed. If you do follow the news, you are misinformed.”

USN strives to provide a refreshing alternative to right-wing and left-wing opinion/news sites by presenting a principled source for news and commentary without the omissions, blatant lies, incomplete truths, diversions, politically correct distortions or any other form of deceit where truth is avoided and extreme falsity has become our virtual and simulated artificial reality.