John Kerry: 45 Years of Gaffes and Counting
BOSTON – Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry is a dunce, and has a record of making preposterously stupid and offensive statements dating back to 1971.
In fact, if you go onto Google and type in “John Kerry gaffe,” you will get 350,000 hits.
At the U.S. embassy in Paris Tuesday, he did it again, with perhaps his most obnoxious, tone-deaf public pronouncement yet. Speaking to State Department staffers, he compared the two Muslim terrorist massacres in France this year – shooting up the magazine offices of Charlie Hebdo and then last Friday’s celebration of diversity, which left 129 dead.
“There’s something different about what happened (Friday) from Hedbo,” the 71-year-old Yale graduate said, “and I think everybody would feel that. There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of – not legitimacy – but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and okay they’re really angry because of this or that.”
Yes, he backed off, immediately and then again yesterday. But however you parse it, he rationalized slaughtering people for exercising free speech. This is the guy…..
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