How Socialist Is Bernie Sanders?
This article is republished with permission from our friends at the Shark Tank.
Posted by: Javier Manjarres (@thesharktank1) on October 28, 2015
If you ever wondered how left-wing or socialist Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders really was, just take a glance over his Twitter feed. On any given day, Sanders will spout out some over-the-top statement on equality, fairness, and wealth-sharing, just like President Obama is known to do.
While many of you believe that no one can be as far to the left as Obama, Bernie Sanders makes the case against that.
Even Hillary Clinton, regardless of what she says, isn’t as far left as uncle Bernie.
Food for thought:
Democrats across the country will have the choice of voting for an self-described socialist in Bernie Sanders, a spineless Martin O’Malley , who coward down to the racist Black Lives Matter movement, or Bill Clinton’s wife.
So, this bogus phenomenon of voter suppression only happens every two years?
“Republicans win when voter turnout is low. When people become demoralized. When they don’t think their vote matters.” 7:09 PM – 27 Oct 2015
Because business should have to pay for the personal actions of two individuals. (Sarcasm)
“Parents should have the right to stay home with their newborn baby for at least 3 months with paid family leave.” …
Because it is probably the Republican Party’s fault, and not because these individuals committed the crime.
“$7.25 is a starvation wage, which must be raised. The minimum wage must become a living wage.”
Because education really is free, and not subsidized by taxpayer dollars, right?
“We need to commit to 16 years of free public education for all of our children.” –@VP 1:01 PM – 25 Oct 2015
Again, because American is the land of the freebie and handout. If Parents have the responsibility to watch over their children, they would probably also know how to best manage their free time with the family.
“A mom and a dad should have the right to at least a couple of weeks of paid vacation so they can spend quality time with their kids.” 12:41 PM – 24 Oct 2015
Because its always the Republicans fault.
“When millions of seniors are trying to survive on incomes of $12,000 a year, we must resist Republican efforts to cut Social Security.” 2:05 PM – 23 Oct 2015
This article is republished with permission from our friends at the Shark Tank.
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