obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, bernie, associated press
It’s time for Bernie to stop Running and start running.

Although the most recent round of Democratic primaries was held yesterday, perhaps the most interesting news was the Associated Press’s report – a full day earlier – that Hillary had already magically netted all the delegates she needed to finalize her coronation as Democratic presidential nominee.

The news came as a stunning surprise to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, all of whom share a charming naivete about how primary elections, the Clintons, the media, and the Democratic Machine work. There’s even reasonably compelling evidence that the AP story was created in collusion with Hillary’s campaign machine days earlier and specifically released just before the California primary to do the greatest possible amount of damage to the morale of Bernie’s coterie of socialist sycophants.

Frankly, from day one Bernie’s supporters had a smaller chance of having their votes legitimately counted than the Americans under fire in Benghazi had a chance of Hillary sending troops to their rescue. In Hillary’s world, the inconvenient are cannon fodder – and anyone standing between her and the White House is very inconvenient indeed.

There now appears to be little question that Hillary has made the necessary backroom arrangements to take Bernie out of the running (and if he gives up soon, his odds of not becoming room temperature will skyrocket).

Which frankly makes us think that it’s Joe Biden’s secret service detail which now needs to be on their toes. Hillary’s current best bet to avoid indictment is to assure that the Democrat party will have no “plan B” waiting in the wings.

And if that thought doesn’t have Biden wearing kevlar BVDs, he’s even more clueless than we thought.


obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, trump, judge, mexican, trump university
Ipso meet Facto.

Meanwhile on the Republican side, politicians who’ve been carefully tiptoeing toward Donald Trump to give him the smallest endorsement possible are now falling over themselves to run from him after his purely ethnic attack on the judge hearing the Trump University lawsuit.

Despite the fact that the judge was born in Indiana (making him exactly as American and Hoosier as your faithful author), and despite the fact that Trump swears that Hispanics love him, he has declared the judge (descended from two Mexican parents) to be a Mexican himself, and therefore incapable of giving a fair trial to Trump.

By The Donald’s logic, this means that in the future all defendants should have a judge who shares their own race, ethnicity, and beliefs. In other words, Trump would like to see segregated law – including, we assume, Shariah Law for any Muslims he doesn’t throw out of the country.

Hope n’ Change will never, ever vote for Hillary Clinton. But if Trump wants our vote in November, he needs to STFU right now and keep his moronically offensive ideas to himself until election day.

This article is republished with permission from our friend Stilton Jarlsberg at Hope n’Change