Hillary on Russian Asset Rabbit Trails
5/7/2021, 12:26 pm
Comrades, when SupremeEmpressForever all-knowing-but-not-telling Hillary Clinton gets to talking about rabbit trails of Russian Conspiracies, TPC-trained Russian Asset #BR549 of Rabbit Trails is taking dictation for translation. Hillary wants to be in charge of The Reckoning that ends Russian Rabbit Trails about She Who Must Be OBEYED, and her known associates behavior in The People’s Service.
Hillary is showing a particular animosity to RUSSIANS. She seems to harbor a hateful grudge towards the Russians.
Evidently, it was Russian Interference even back in those days of cattle future-ing for a little cash while‘fixing’ in a whole new era of Arkansas Public Education, whileWhite Watergating with Mena-CIA Cocaine. Only a Russian would say such foolish things, crazy things…things that just don’t make any sense to families of boys murdered and left dead on train tracks to confuse C.O.D. delivery of coroner reasoning.
Understand this HillaryPoint, comrades, Hillary says, you are to STAY AWAY FROM Russian Bots with conspiracy disinformation algorithms that go hip-pity hop-pity down Hillary Rodham Rabbit Trails like Justice on it’s way. [ooops ‘pelipsky got torememorex’ing this re-educated song as Cotton Tailed Bunny and has gone down karaoke rabbit trailtowards Mother Land Interference.]
Anyway, Hillary says she’ll use the power of government and megalo$tmaniac$ Corporate Intimidated Goodne$$ to keep that from happening to her, in her current lifecrime that only Russian-Americans keep wanting to mark with self initiative irradiant signs about all her personal Russian Rabbit Trails of Conspiracy.
Hillary Clinton said. “If you get to a point — and we are, if not there, very close to it —where you cannot have agreement on facts, on evidence, on truth, how does a democracy make decisions?!”
Be very careful comrades, because her statement colludes down into a whole rabbit trail. Burrows getting invaded to seize any electronic equipment that documents Russian Rabbit Trail Proof while uninterested in actual evidence of what they really did with their own life in The People’s Service. All of that, evidence is just a Russian Conspiracy against a mean, venal, ruthless in powerful woman with a personal grudge against Russians.
This article is republished with permission from our friend Oleg Atbashian at The People’s Cube.
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