Fun facts about Maxine Waters


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1. Maxine Waters wears James Brown’s energizer wig, from which she derives all her power. Pulling the wig off instantly puts her to sleep, while her staff places it on a special charger.

2. Her 43rd congressional district in California is shaped like a penis. She loves it, even though she hasn’t seen it in a long time. She blames the Republicans and Trump for how it is pointing downward. In her mind the words “The South will rise again” have a whole different meaning.

3. Maxine Waters once refused to save 15% or more by switching to Geico because that would have made her a sellout to corporate interests.

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From another Maxine Waters thread:

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Comrade Putout

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Your turn…

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Colonel Obyezyana

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Maxine missed her chance to wear a most coveted crown (a crown available only in the decadent West, where canine parasites are treated as “pets” and have whole supermarket aisles devoted to them while non-privileged peoples worldwide suffer pangs of hunger while watching good food being “crowned” kings and queens at frivolous “ugly animal” spectacles). A-A 2018-06-25 at 7.04.19 .jpg