Offline Mikhail Lysenkoman

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April 22 is Vladimir Lenin’s birthday Earth Day!

I was a part of this movement on the first Earth Day in 1970. I was a recent convert to the Radical underground at the time, and the significance of 22 April 1970 was not lost on us young Communists: it was Vladimir Lenin’s 100th birthday — a day that would be celebrated by Communists worldwide.

We were well aware of the goals of the environmentalist movement: it had nothing to do with the environment. Our end goal then remains the same today among all of the various environmental causes: the destruction of Capitalism, with the United States ruled under Communism.

And the best way to destroy an economic system is to deny it the use of its own energy, and its own resources.

This is what the anti-nuclear movement, which began during my time as a Radical, was about. It is what the spotted owl controversy in the Pacific Northwest was about. It is what the so-called “ozone hole” issue was about.

And it is what Global Warming “Climate Change” is all about. And it’s the only thing it’s about. It’s the only thing it’s ever been about.

So, this Earth Day, raise a glass of beet vodka to Comrade Lenin and celebrate the Glorious World of Next Tuesday that is coming, as soon as we can get rid of all those nasty Kapitalists [spit, spit] that are oppressing us all!


Red Square

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Genosse Dummkopf

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Mikhail Lysenkomann

……. We were well aware of the goals of the environmentalist movement

yeah – and (among many), also Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace (and later nearly vanished in GP’s Memory Hole), tells the same story. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
and here kinda watermelonchik A.D. 1920 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Genosse Dummkopf

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Red Square

… must be more shovel-ready …

Shovelwise Experienced Komrade Director !
Your nauchnaya documentation proves : HopeyChangey’s way of handling the Glorious Shoveling Device opens a new Chapter in the arcane discipline of Progressive Shoveling !

Our Glorious Kollektiv of Progressive Kubists will surely pronounce not a lousy 97%, not a meager 100%, but a 314% Overwhelming Stakhanovian Konsensus in the above Earthy Matter ( or else… (here, “dead sure” comes to my Magadanian mind…) ).

But now – enough, onward to new Scientific Endeavours !

I intuit some tremendous Nexus in the Triangle of : Stakhanov + Pi ( those 314% ! ) + The Number of Kubik(!) Meters of Earth, revolutionarily moved & shaken in Shoveling Acts along the Victorious Path of Человек побеждает природу* !

* which basically means, like, Earth Day. Wy saglasny, Tavarishchi Kubisty ?


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This article is republished with permission from our friend Oleg Atbashian at The People’s Cube.