Sunday, January 22, 2017

I Feel Your Pain; Now Go Home and Shut Up

I’ll say this: it was yuge.


Because if there is one thing that Progressives know how to do it’s how to “Organize for Action” and enlist celebrities to carry the message.

Yesterday’s protest march was brought to you by the same people who brought us the world-wide Occupy Wall Street whiners (hint: George Soros). The equally whiny “Women’s March” – which was actually the “Liberal Women’s anti-Trump March” “spontaneously” broke out in locations all around the globe.

Having exploited their black-victim contingency group nearly to death for the last 8 years Progressives have now moved on to exploiting the women-victim class, who seem to be enjoying it almost as much. All the usual potty-mouthed celebrities were hauled in to lead the cheers:…. read more here