European Cultural Suicide Awards



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Glorious Kubist Comrades from across the ocean!


I was asked to report on the first “European Cultural Suicide Awards” ceremony, held at Schloss Wannsee near Berlin.

As you all know it has been a good year for those of us striving relentlessly to extinguish every remnant of the vile bourgeois and racist “European Culture”. With some help from our radical friends in the middle east, a true exodus has begun with millions of refugees flooding the fertile fields of Europe. I hope soon my Amerikan comrades will also have the joy to participate in this wonderful phenomenon!

To honor those who strive towards the cultural suicide (or should we say euthanasia?) of the out-dated European culture with its ridiculous “free press”, “women’s rights” and “democracy”, the Kommissariat and High Praesidium has created a set of awards.

The first prize of the evening was the “Merkel Medal of Cultural Suicide”, to be awarded to heads of state and supranational institutions who go to extreme lengths to destroy the despicable Western Civilization.


This year, the award was given to Dear Leader Angela Merkel herself and President Hollande of France. The foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, Grand Vizier Jaffar, presented the medals to the lucky heads of state.


In the press conference afterwards president Hollande apologised for a recent survey showing only 25% of French teenagers are Muslims.


“There is still a lot of work to do. But with the help of my good friend and dear leader Merkel, I’m sure we can get this percentage up the coming years!”

The organisation then presented a design for another award, to be distributed troughout the year, to individuals (not heads of state) who aid in the long-overdue cultural destruction of Europe: the Grand Cross of Cultural Suicide.

grandcrossof cultural suicidedef.jpg

The last part of the ceremony was the “Ephialtes Prize”, in memory of the courageous Spartan Hoplite who bravely betrayed his king Leonidas, thereby helping the Persian king Xerxes in the destruction of the entire Greek army at Thermopylae. The recipient this year was the president of the European Council, viceroy Tusk the first. Tusk joined us by teleconference from the Louvre (you can see the covered statues in the back, to make sure Muslim attendees cannot be triggered by naked female body parts) where he was just surrendering some random value to a random middle eastern nation.


President Tusk: “When Dear Leader Merkel asked me to convince the European population that our deal with Turkey would stem the flow of migrants, I lost all confidence. After all, we agreed to take one refugee from Turkey for each refugee we send back. One minus one is zero, so the total amount of refugees wont change. But I endured, and apparently Europeans have gained the ability to say “one minus one is … minus one”. I am proud my countrymen can do Doublethink™ in such an advanced way”.

This concluded the festivities. Afterwards, the heads of state started a conference behind closed doors in the historic meeting room, called “Wannsee 2.0, Endlösung der Europeanenfrage”. I was asked to destroy my notes after this conference. But don’t worry. It’s all in good hands!

Yours in Thought Control,
Your comrade from Europe, Minitrue

 This article is republished with permission from our friend Oleg Atbashian at The People’s Cube.