<h1>The “biggest music video in country music history” is finally here &mdash; check it out!</h1>
<blockquote class=”repubhubembed”><p class=”rhexcerpt”>It’s a convergence of epic proportions. We’ve been waiting for this for what seems like forever! It’s actually just been a couple of weeks since country’s hottest stars have been teasing the all-star country music collaboration that is “Forever Country.” We’ve been hearing the song since Sept. 16, but on Sept. 20, after “Dancing With the&hellip;<!–more–></p><style scoped>.repubhubembed{display:none;}</style></blockquote>
<iframe class=”rhembed” src=”//static.icopyright.net/user/view.act?p=MTg3Nzk=&c=MzgzMDA4NTM=&fuid=MjMyMDMxNzU=&s=portal&showDate=true” height=”1500″ style=”width:100%;border:0;overflow:hidden;background:transparent;”></iframe><script async type=”text/javascript” src=”https://static.icopyright.net/user/js/rh.js”></script>

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