Friday, December 2, 2016

America Will Be Great Again Despite All the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity

I watched President-Elect Trump yesterday at what the MSM are calling “victory laps” in the heartland; actually they are “thank you tours.” I also saw his interviews with several Fox News talking heads. To be sure, it was the real Donald Trump, only less bombastic and more presidential. Although he did  scoop his own PR team by announcing the appointment of General Mattis as Secretary of Defense he also passed on the opportunity to say bad things about any of his previous rivals in both parties.

This newly tempered demeanor, along with the near universal praise for the thoughtful and seriously qualified people selected for cabinet positions and his well articulated actions announced for his first 100 days leaves most of the media’s criticism of Trump in the dust. What happened to their rodeo clown?

hillary clown

Yeah, no; this just won’t work for the MSM.

Actually it’s simple: you’ve been Trumped!

trump super

Able to build tall buildings (and walls) from a single hole in the ground

That’s right, Donald J. Trump outplayed the players. Having employed every one of Alinsky’s Rules


You heard it first here; Alinsky works for us now!

he managed to stay in the headlines every single day following his announcement of running for president. He was in turn outrageous, intemperate and provocative. How else could you completely undermine the existing corrupt media? The crony system of patronage? The anti-middle class policies enacted over the past 8 years? Yes, he is a populist; you say that as if it’s a bad thing. Aside from the elitists in both parties the American people are delighted to hear that he wants to make us masters of our own destinies again.


You know the Left has reached the end of the road when all they can do is upgrade their enemies from “racists, sexists, homophobes and Islamaphobes” to  “white-supremacists.” Here’s a little of the exchange from last night’s Harvard Kennedy School’s post mortem forum with the Clinton and Trump campaign teams: …