China Locks Down Parts Of Beijing Over New Coronavirus Outbreak
By Ryan Saavedra•Jun 16th, 2020
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has started to lock down portions of Beijing in recent days after a new coronavirus outbreak in the authoritarian nation’s capital city.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that 53 people had tested positive for the coronavirus, which originated in China late last year, and that nearly everyone who tested positive for the disease had “worked or shopped at the Xinfadi market, a wholesale market on the city’s south side that sells seafood, fruit and vegetables.”
By Tuesday morning, China said that it had detected a total of at least 106 people who had been infected from the new outbreak in Beijing. Leading intelligence agencies from around the world have largely viewed the statistics provided by the Chinese Communist Party throughout the pandemic to be intentionally downplayed.
“The authorities in Beijing placed a swath of the city under lockdown on Monday and tested tens of thousands of people as they rushed to contain a new coronavirus outbreak that marked an unnerving breach in China’s capital,” The Times reported late on Monday. “The authorities shut down and sealed the market over the weekend.”
The Chinese government said Monday that city officials have begun testing some 90,000 residents living near the Xinfadi market as well as another market where the infection is believed to have spread. “Residential compounds in those neighborhoods have been sealed, and the authorities were racing to track down and isolate anyone who has been infected,” the Times reports.
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Sure is empty down here...