Many of us think of baking soda as an ingredient used for cooking, or even something that helps to keep our refrigerators odor-free, but baking soda is surprisingly good for your health and home, too!

An inexpensive purchase (usually costing about $1), baking soda uses vary from basic daily hygiene, injuries, digestive issues, stomach pain, coughs and sore throats.

Throughout history, baking soda has been used as a rising agent when baking. It’s 100 percent sodium bicarbonate; so when mixed with acid, baking soda makes bubbles and gives off a carbon dioxide gas, causing the dough to rise.

Baking soda is known as nahcolite, which is part of the natural mineral natron. Natron contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate and has been used since ancient times as a deodorizer, soother and cleanser.

Baking Soda Uses & Benefits

Baking soda is a great tool for cleaning and removing stains, but there are many health benefits associated with the use of baking soda, too. Some of the most common baking soda benefits include:

  • Eases stomach pain
  • Helps with digestive issues
  • Relieves bloating and gas